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Tech Workers Fear Age Discrimination

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Tuesday, February 12, 2019.

For many San Francisco technology workers, age discrimination remains a serious concern. According to one survey, 43 percent of tech employees from the baby boom generation are concerned about losing their jobs due to their age. The survey involved over…

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7th Circuit Rules ADEA Doesn’t Apply To Some Job Applicants

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Thursday, January 31, 2019.

While businesses in California and the across the United States cannot discriminate against employees for being over the age of 40, a new decision from the 7th Circuit casts doubt on whether those protections extend to the hiring process. In…

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The Problems With Forced Arbitration

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Friday, January 18, 2019.

Employees at Google, the tech giant in California, have been challenging tech companies and urging them to change their policies with regards to workplace harassment. In particular, their main gripe pertains to forced arbitration, which requires employees of large tech…

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Job Loss And Retaliation Silence Many Sexual Harassment Victims

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.

The number of workers in California facing sexual harassment at work remains largely hidden because most of them never make formal complaints. University researchers who studied the problem estimated that roughly 5 million people experience sexual harassment on the job…

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Doctors Who Are Mothers Face Increased Workplace Discrimination

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Tuesday, December 18, 2018.

Doctors working in the San Francisco Bay Area and other parts of California generally enjoy a sizable income due to the nature of their profession. Even so, a survey published in a leading medical journal reveals that more than a…

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San Francisco Board Of Supervisors Addresses Race Discrimination

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Monday, December 3, 2018.

The heads of several San Francisco city agencies vowed to do more to eliminate race discrimination in their departments during a volatile November 11 Board of Supervisors hearing, but many of the African-American workers gathered were unimpressed by what they…

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Former Avon Employees Sue Over Discrimination Claims

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

Many women in the San Francisco Bay Area see Avon as a company that celebrates female entrepreneurship and empowerment. Nevertheless, two former employees of the company have filed a class-action lawsuit accusing the beauty products manufacturer of pregnancy discrimination. They…

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Is Denying Religious Holidays Enough For Discrimination Lawsuits?

On behalf of , P.C. posted in Uncategorized on Friday, November 16, 2018.

As the end of the year approaches, many workers are looking forward to their time off during Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, not all employees celebrate these holidays at their homes. They might celebrate a special holiday for their religion that…

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How Common Is Sexual Harassment In The Architecture Industry?

On behalf of , P.C. posted in discrimination and harassment on Wednesday, November 7, 2018.

A recent survey looked at sexual harassment in the field of architecture. The survey suggests that such harassment is very prevalent in this field. Among the people polled in the survey were around 600 architects and architectural designers. Of these architecture…

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